Garage Insurance

Whether you own a body shop, towing company, or other garage facilities, you face risks of all types including injuries, property damage, and those inevitable human mistakes.  Garage Insurance is specific coverage to protect both your reputation and hard-earned money.  All it takes is one mistake or mishap and by having the right policy, you can rest assured that your money will go to profits, not payouts. 

Garage liability coverage is another coverage that’s available to you. It provides liability coverage for any accidents that may happen as a result of your day-to-day garage operations. These accidents may result in bodily injury, personal injury or property damage.  Garage liability insurance mostly applies to towing businesses and service stations that help protect customers’ cars and trucks while they are serviced or held. For example, if a customer’s vehicle is damaged due to the business’ negligence, the vehicle would be covered under a garage insurance policy.

Some of the more common kinds of garage insurance are:

  • Body Shop Insurance
  • Repair Shop Insurance
  • Tow Truck Insurance
  • Transmission Shop Insurance

Another option you may consider is a business owners’ policy (BOP).  It is perfect for individuals who need a bit more than the basic liability because business owners’ policy (BOP) offers protection for incidents like identity theft coverage and loss of income.

If you have employees, you need Workers’ Comp.  It’s required in most states and can protect you from a variety of lawsuits and claims.  Workers’ Compensation insurance covers medical costs, rehabilitation expenses and any lost wages an employee might experience after getting ill or injured on the job. It also provides financial support to the family of any garage employee who dies from a job-related injury or illness.

With all that garage insurance has to offer, many small auto-related businesses make the choice to purchase this valuable protection. You can do it, too. Give Lions & Coventry Insurance Services a call. We will give you a quote and tell you more about what this insurance can do for you and your small business. Get in touch with us today!

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Here at Lions & Coventry, we will take the time to discover your needs and find you the best solution at the best rate. Contact us today!

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